
Journals are Cloud Reviews 360 appraisal templates by which you can appraise yourself against standards and provide supporting documentation. Journal content may include standards or professional review templates placed in your CR360 Journal library by organisations with whom you are engaged. As well as self-appraising, you can invite contributors to appraise you and provide feedback, helping you to uphold those standards or receive performance appraisals. Read more about receiving feedback.

You can attach supporting documentation in the form of files, learning logs and URL's which contributors can also view. Notes can also be linked, but these remain private because only you will see them. This is useful when you want to write down a few thoughts before appraising yourself. Read more about attaching supporting documentation.

Think of a journal as a folder full of forms given to you by your organisation. Administrators of the organisations to which you are engaged can create, edit and clone templates before publishing them to all their engaged users, or to teams within the organisation.

Access a New Journal

To access a journal that your organisation has provided to you, click the Add button in the top right corner of the screen. A dialog box will appear where you must create a Journal name (title). You must then select a template to use with that Journal name from the list of templates that appear in your list. Remember: You must name your journal before you can Add it to your own Journal list within your dashboard. Templates are designed by your organisation to take into account specific standards, required content, time-periods and team collaboration. Unless otherwise specified by your organisation, it is up to you to decide which template you would like to use for your journal.

Once you are satisfied you have chosen the correct template, click Save at the bottom of the dialog box. The new journal will now appear in your Journal Manager.

Manage a Journal

You can manage a journal by clicking on the 3 dots on the right hand side of the Journal Tile . Here you can View Report, Rename, Archive or Delete your journal.

To open or navigate into the journal, click the Enter button next to the journal title.


Favouriting a journal will have it appear on your homescreen dashboard and appear at the top of your Journal Manager. It makes for easy access. To 'favourite' a journal, click the Favourite star next to the journal name. Once a journal has been favourited it will turn gold . Undo this by simply clicking on the Favourite button again, turning it back to blue.


Archiving a journal makes it read-only and is irreversible. No-one will be able to add or edit any content in archived journals and contributors will no longer have access to that journal either.

To archive a journal, open its context menu (click on the 3 dots) then click the Archive button . A prompt will ask if you are sure you want to archive this journal. You can either choose to Cancel to keep the journal or Archive, which will make the journal a read-only file.


A journal can only be deleted if it is empty. A journal is empty if you or a contributor have not added any content yet.

To delete a journal, open its context menu and click . A prompt will ask you if you are sure you want to delete this journal. You can either choose to Cancel to keep the journal or Delete, which will remove the journal from the system.

If you accidentally delete an empty journal, it is easy to start a new journal based on the same template.

Once you have created a journal, use the Enter button to start exploring it.

You will find Forms to complete, which is usually where you can appraise yourself against a set of standards or reflect on your development with text responses.

The journal is based on a tree structure with sub-branches to help you isolate each standard or appraisal section and build up supporting documentation accordingly. Think of it as a folder with a number of sections containing multiple files and attachments describing your performance and giving evidence of achievements.

Traverse through the sections of the Journal to reach a Form with content that you would like address. Self appraise or respond to questions or subjects within the Form by using the Add button on the appropriate element. You can also link files, learning logs, URL's and notes, and view feedback provided by contributors (collaborators) that you invited or authorised.

Navigate your way back through the form by using the Back button at the top left of any screen. Be careful not to click on the browser back button, or it may take you out of your Journal. If you accidentally navigate out of your Journal, you can log back in and, in the vast majority of events, your information will not be lost.

Last updated